enVision® Mathematics – Developing Mathematical Thinking Habits Through Mathematical Practices


Students develop mathematical thinking habits through mathematical practices. Rich mathematical tasks provide students opportunities to engage in the eight mathematical practices. Students begin by making sense of the problem (MP1), using quantitative reasoning (MP2) and appropriate tools (MP5). Students use mathematics to model their understanding of the problem and design a process for its solution (MP4). Their approach to solving the problem may involve drawing a conclusion through repeated reasoning (MP8) as well as a recognition of patterns caused by the mathematical structure in the situation (MP7). As students persist in their work on the problem (MP1), they justify their reasoning and critique the reasoning of others (MP3), using precise language and notation (MP6). Although a single lesson seldom focuses on every mathematical practice, students experience each mathematical practice many times throughout the year. As students learn the process of asking themselves these questions while they are doing and learning mathematics, they internalize mathematical thinking habits.

Learn about mathematical practices and how they provide students opportunities to engage.


Read Developing Mathematical Thinking Habits